István Harkai

University of Szeged


István Harkai is a graduated lawyer and a fulltime member of the Institute of Comparative Law and Legal Theory as an assistant lecturer. He is a Ph.D. candidate, he wrote his dissertation in the field of international and European copyright law with special regard to the overlap between the right of reproduction and communication to the public and the legal status of intermediaries. He published 30 scientific articles and book chapters in Hungarian and in English.

His main research interest covers the questions of copyright and related rights in the age of Internet and digitisation, the legal status of intermediaries, the models of digital content dissemination. He published scientific articles not only in the field of copyright but in the field of International Relations and International Public Law with special regard to the legal status of maritime piracy, peacekeeping missions in Africa.

As an assistant lecturer he delivers lectures in the field of Comparative Entertainment Law, European and International Copyright Law, Comparative Law, Introduction to Hungarian Civil Law. Beside his research and teaching activity he is the coordinator of two postgraduate program hosted by the Institute of Comparative Law and Legal Theory.